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Preschool Kit

A New Mini-Poster Kit
Designed for Preschool and Special Needs Audience!
Includes Four Mini-Posters
Retail: $19.00 for the kit

“How Are You Feeling Today?”
Our original poster designed to help students identify their emotions! Children can match the drawn faces to real-world expressions to better understand emotions.

“Managing Your Anger”
A visual tool to help students pinpoint the source of their anger and work toward self-regulation and conflict resolution.

“How Is Your Character Today?”
A loveable dog models qualities of good character to promote positive behavior in young children.

“CATastrophic Signs of Anxiety”
This cartoon cat portrays the physical characteristics of anxiety to help students recognize and cope with their feelings.
Each mini-poster is

  • 81⁄2” x 11” for easy hand-held use
  • Laminated for increased durability
  • Designed to develop emerging emotional and social skills, such as self-regulation and positive behavior
  • Supplemented with a guidebook filled with tips on how to use the poster
Preschool Kit

Price: $19.00